Monday, January 2, 2012

Start Fresh In The New Year!

Wow!  It's been almost a month since I last posted!  The past month has been crazy busy for me.  I just moved into my new house, my first big girl house.  No more apartments for me!  Anyway, that has really taken up a lot of my time over the past month.  Work has also been crazy busy, and I have revamped my schedule, so things will be less stressful for the new year.

I have a few money saving goals(resolutions) for the new year.  These are my personal goals, I encourage you to make your own money saving goals to accomplish in this new year.
Some tips:
1.  Make the goals reasonable.  Don't make the goal something that you know you cannot achieve.
2.  Make a timeline for the goal.  Split the year up into quarters, and set mini goals within the larger goal to make by the end of each quarter.
3.  Ask for help.  Don't ask people for money, that is a bad habit to get into.  But if you need help organizing your filing cabinet, ask for help.  If you need help understanding a bill, ask for help.
4.  Don't stress!  Take it easy; the goals are supposed to make the year easier, not more stressful.

My money saving goals for the year:

1.  Pay off my credit card debt.  Yes, I have some credit card debt.  From about age 18-21ish, I have racked up some credit card debt.  This year, I want to pay it off.  Making monthly payments on a credit card is a waste of money, with the interest rates racking up.  I want to pay it off, and not make any more purchases with my cards.  CARDS ARE FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY!

2.  Organize my filing cabinet and set up an organized bill paying system.  I have some ideas for a good organized bill paying system, I will be posting about this system within the next month.  An organized bill paying system will prevent paying bills late and prevent late fees.

3.  Maximize my take home pay.  I don't want to work 60 hours a week just to take in more money, I would go nuts.  I would like to keep my full time job the way it is, and add something else to bring in some cash.  I will be posting another blog within the next few weeks about ideas for taking in more cash.

What are your money saving goals for the new year?

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