Friday, December 9, 2011

needs vs. wants

When trying to save money, one of the first places to start is looking at where you money is going.  Are you spending the majority of your money on needs or wants?  In order to save money, it is helpful to make sure you are spending the majority of your money on NEEDS.  Print out your bank statement for the past month and highlight all your needs in one color then highlight all your wants in another color.  You should have more needs highlighted than wants.  If not, make some changes; stop spending so much money on wants.  Cut back on 1 want per month and you will save money.

So what is a want and what is a need?  Sometimes it is hard to tell.  Do you need to buy your morning coffee or tea from the coffee shop?  Probably not.  Do you need to buy groceries to feed you and your family?  Yes.  Do you need to buy that cute new sweater?  Probably not.  Do you need to have enough clothes?  Yes.  Make a list of what you think your needs and wants are, this will make it easier to see where you can cut back.

Here is my challenge for you:  Do you NEED TV?

When you think about it, the answer should be no, I don't NEED TV.  Cut back to basic cable or get ride of cable altogether.  You can watch shows online or get a mail order DVD service for shows and movies.  Either way, it is much cheaper than spending money on cable.  You will also cut down on your electric bill, saving you even more money.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

DIY Skin Care

I have found that one of the things I spend the most money on is skin care products.  I have acne prone skin, and probably will for the rest of my life.  My mom still gets break out and calls then her "sign of youth."  I'd rather skip the sign of youth and get rid of the break outs.  And in my quest for crystal clear skin, I end up spending tons of money.

I was browsing Pinterest the other day and found a tip for DIY skin care.  They used 3 uncoated aspirin and water to make a facial mask/scrub.  This is supposed to help with acne prone skin.  I was really skeptical at first.  How can aspirin clear up my skin?  But I tried it and it is AMAZING!  My skin has never felt so smooth and clean after using this DIY mask.

Here's what you do:
Take 3 uncoated aspirin in a bowl and add a tiny bit of warm water.  Using your fingers, mush up the aspirin in the water.  It will make a thick gritty paste.  Put the paste all over your face and rub in with your fingers.  It will dry quickly.  Splash your face with warm water and rub the mask into your skin, then rinse off.  The results, beautiful smooth skin!

Save money:  Buy the aspirin at the dollar store!   I spent $1 +tax on a bottle of aspirin that I will use for this face mask.  You will get about a month's use about of this $1 that you spent.  WAY cheaper than any other skin care product and works great!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Every Penny Counts!

Yup, every penny counts.  No amount of money is too small and every bit counts.  Today's tip is to start a coin jar.  Save your pennies and all other change.  I keep a small amount of change in my wallet to use on a day to day basis.  Everything else goes into the coin jar.  Guys, empty out your pockets, throw the change in the jar.  DO NOT turn in the change until the jar is full.  Most banks have free coin counter machines.  Do not pay to have your coins counted, it's a waste of money.

Once you have filled the coin jar, turn it in and get the cash.  You can keep it or put it in your savings account.  If you keep the cash, use it for something fun; go out to dinner, go to the movies, see a play, buy new craft supplies, get some new clothes.  

Remember, every penny counts :)  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Getting Started

I am really excited about this blog.  I've been thinking about starting a money saving tips/DIY/simplify your life blog for a long time.  But I wasn't sure if people would really read it, since there are so many other similar blogs out there.  After posting my idea on facebook and getting good feedback from friends, I have decided to go for it.  
This blog is going to be different than others.  I am targeting my blog for the young single person living alone and/or the young couple.  Most money saving blogs are geared toward families with kids.  But the rest of us need to save money too.  So here it goes!  

My first tip:
It is really simple, but we all forget sometimes.  LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS!  
Do not spend money that you do not have.  
Avoid credit cards; they should be for emergencies only! 
Use cash or debit cards for all purchases.  If you do not have enough cash for the purchase, it's time to rethink that purchase.  
Once the cash is gone, stop spending!  
Make sure you have enough each month to cover NEEDS(rent, electric, heat, food, car payment...) 

This is a good place to start on your money saving quest!  Good luck! and stay tuned for more tips :)